Saturday, January 12, 2008

Florida Property Tax Amendment

This post is pretty much for Florida. It seems as if the official position of the union in Miami, FL is to vote against the Property Tax Amendment. I am not speaking on behalf of the union. I am only speaking on my own personal position. I NEED MONEY!

I filled out my absentee ballot today. I felt no guilt when I voted YES for the Property Tax Amendment. I have heard people say that $240 dollars will not produce any economical relief for individuals and cause havoc at public service levels. It will help offset the amount I will now have to pay for health insurance. And as for public service, they have never been very accessible so I don’t think I will notice any difference.

On the School District level I certainly am not naïve enough to believe that if there was more funding available for our District we would automatically have a better salary and better benefits. This is obvious when I see the way the District chooses to use our tax dollars and salary/benefit funds towards capricious items. Our funds go into $40,000 office remodeling and security that is not needed, sending principals to Harvard, expensive luncheons at Parrot Jungle, replacing perfectly working computer monitors with high end flat screens, etc. Only strong arm negotiations can change the manner in which employees get paid, and only vigilant Board Members can change the manner in which the Budget gets distributed. We can have endless funds and still get pennies on the dollar unless the two things I mention above happen.

I am asked by some to fund with my taxes these unnecessary expenditures while my benefits are cut and while I have to work double to survive economically. I will not do that.

I have also signed the Fair Property Tax for All, Inc in hopes of being able to get even more tax relief in the future. I am sick and tired of funding irresponsible public entities and watching them splurge my money while I count pennies.

So since this is a Blog to provide tips on how to save money, I am providing the tip on the vote for the property tax amendment in order to save the approximate $240. You can also sign the petition at Fair Property Tax for All in order to save even more!

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