Sunday, January 27, 2008

How to Save At Restaurants

The truth of the matter is that everyone enjoys going out to a nice restaurant every now and then. But who can afford to? One entry can cost anywhere between $12 to $17 dollars depending on the type of restaurant you go to and if you are enticed to savor the appetizing appetizers you are out at least another $6 to $9 dollars. We haven’t even mentioned drinks, dessert and coffee.

Well here is one trick you might want to try which will save you some money and allow you to savor the “taste” of the restaurant. First of all many restaurants have a special price menu for “Early Birds”. The first thing you should do is go during this time period and save a couple of bucks right off the top.

Then go with some friends and try ordering lots of appetizers and split one entre, or skip the entre all together. Restaurant servings are so large that usually appetizers are large enough to represent a meal, specially if you top it off with a simple side salad or soup. If you look closely at the menu you might even realize that the appetizers are very similar to the main entre, so why pay more?

And finally, why are you paying $2 dollars for a soda when you can get a full liter for one? And $4 dollars for coffee is insane. Drink water!!!! Many times I finish my dinner and then go out to a cheap dinner to top off my meal with coffee with my friends. It makes the even longer and more fun. Plus we feel like we’ve gotten away with something. You can also plan to have coffee and ice cream ahead of time at someone’s house, toss a coin to figure out who’s house it will be at. Even if the person has to buy the coffee bag and ice cream carton it will probably be cheaper to buy it at the supermarket than to pay for one serving. Make it a game, enjoy it and save more money.

My own personal tip is to go on a week day if you can so you can enjoy better service and avoid being seating next to that proverbial loud customer that seems to always pop up even in the nicest restaurants. You know the one; the one that is shouting on the cell phone, or brings the children that are running up and down the restaurant, or is talking at the top of his lungs as if cheering at football team. Ah, nice, quiet, and saving a buck…..sounds like heaven to me!

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